HostUS has been around since 2012. They’re a registered company in the US and their WHOIS is public as well. While they initially started with just an Atlanta location, they later expanded to Dallas and Los Angeles, followed by Hong Kong right now. Alexander, from HostUS, has shared these three offers with us in their new location: Hong Kong!
HK 512MB
HK 768MB
Host nodes have dual Intel Xeon E5 CPUs and SSDs in hardware RAID10. These offers feature a panel called the ‘Breeze’ panel which appears to be custom to HostUS. More information about that here. If you give their Hong Kong location a shot, please let us know how it goes!
Payments can be made using PayPal, Bitcoin, and Skrill (on request). The IPs are owned by HostUS and come directly from APNIC. There’s a three day money back guarantee. For the details on that and other things, please read their Terms of Service!
Network information
SoftLayer – Hong Kong SAR, China
Test IPv4:
100MB test file:
Connectivity: China Telecom, China Unicom, NTT, Pacnet, PCCW, Telstra, Time Warner (peering), Equinix (peering), HKIX (peering)