WebSound is a British company, mainly engaged in the United States VPS business. WebSound use KVM as the foundation of the virtual architecture, data center is located in Las Vegas, the bandwidth of 1Gbps uplink.
WebSound offer a 14 day money back guarantee.
Preferential Code: LETH916 choose to pay the program, and then discount the use of.
Core: 2 core CPU
Ram: 512MB + Swap 512MB
Hard disk: 25GB
Flow: 2TB
Port: 1Gbps
Architecture: KVM
Price: $19.99/year
Order Link
Core: 2 core CPU
Ram: 1GB + Swap 1GB
Hard disk: 50GB
Flow: 3TB
Port: 1Gbps
Architecture: KVM
Price: $33.32/year
Order Link
Link to the official website
Server Location: Las Vegas
Test IPv4:
Test files: lg.lv.websound.co.uk/100MB.test