LegionBox is part of VPS CONTRACTORS PTY LTD, which is registered company in Australia. This domain has been registered in July 2014 and has public WHOIS in accordance with out requirements. Now, we recommend one XEN VPS. This offer are available in Los Angeles, CA, USA and Zurich, Switzerland. Continue reading
Cheap VPS LLC – $28/year 512MB and $48/year 1GB OpenVZ VPS in California
Recently,Cheap VPS LLC had sent two offers for OpenVZ VPS in San Jose, California, USA. Now, Youc can use the coupon LEB20 to receive 20% off of all their VPS products. Continue reading
Enterprise : $2.50/month 512MB,$4/month 1GB OpenVZ VPS in Los Angeles VPS
HostWithLinux VPS packages provide the perfect mix of quality and affordability perfect for individuals with a low budget and high expectations! This company VPS havs SSD Cached disk space, premium bandwidth and are backed by the industry standard SolusVM control panel. We have a strong support team located around the world to provide quick and helpful support, and have been running strong since 2012. Continue reading
HostMantis:$14.97/month 1GB 40GB Windows VPS in Lenoir
HostMantis entered the hosting industry as Plexihost (plexihost.com). They changed name/brand to HostMantis in September of 2010 to position ourselves to become a major presence in the web hosting industry. Continue reading
LunaNode – $3.6/month 512MB, $5.18/month 1GB KVM and more in Toronto、Canada
LunaNode is a over one year old now, having celebrated their first year in business on the 16th. Congratulations, guys! Their WHOIS information is public. They have registered as a business since the last time we’ve featured them. They’re known as “LunaNode Hosting Inc.” and are registered in British Columbia, Canada. VPS are provisioned in Toronto, Canada in the Cogent DC. Continue reading
IndoVirtue – $7/month 512MB 10GB/SSD 200GB/BW OpenVZ SSD in Singapore
IndoVirtue are a privately held company and had been providing WebHosting solutions since late 2010 in Indonesia for startup projects, companies and young entrepreneurs.
In May 2013 the unmanaged VPS market was added to the portfolio using the international commercial domain https://indovirtue.com/. Continue reading